Mission Statement

Smoke Signals via the Internet is an ongoing class project that metamorphosed from a term paper to an indigenous cyber community. I am an Internet novice and an enrolled member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. In the fall of 2004 I will be a senior student at Oglala Lakota College in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The community roots are based on times of meditation on Eagle Nest Butte near Wanblee, South Dakota. On Eagle Nest Butte a desire to facilitate options of modern technological communication methods to better utilization of continuing traditional values in the micro and macro world of cultural interaction sparked the creation of this humble web site for others to share and contribute in cyber council.

The desire to respect traditional icons of cultural relevance in a format of digital communication was the spark of the web site's creation. When one communicates with another it is often important to outline from where one bases the information being shared. This is true in personal real world communication or in cyberspace. The message is paramount to evolution of thought interaction and rather than the tool of communication.

It was necessary to learn how the Internet was structured and to decode the essential elements for design purposes. Methods of communication will to some degree affect communication whether the tool is a stuttering shy person or an Internet traffic jam with slow download times. Nevertheless it is essential for communication purposes to facilitate the message as best one can in the circumstances one finds oneself in. Facilitation maybe burning wood or high speed T3 broad band Internet communication. Communication with others may be limited to the degree of cultural interaction possible by language, bias, physical barriers, distance and/or other factors.

I was surprised to learn the number of Internet communications facilitated by language software programs. The Internet is merely another tool that people may use for the purposes they desire or that they may not. One may encounter others of cross-purposes and opposing designs with the resultant exchange of ideas creating new dynamics of thought patterns.

My communication on the Internet has been to people across the world (Italy, Australia, Brazil and other.) and to people who turned out to be on the other side of the campus (SDSM&T). The barrier of language was reduced due to online language facilitators; Communication has been primarily with indigenous peoples and people who relate to indigenous causes. I believe this to be factored by Internet search engines and selection of Internet communication methodology options. I wish to thank all people who shared their thoughts with me. I encourage any and all to email me privately or post any public views (you wish to share) on the upcoming bulletin board or chat room beginning the 1st weekend of the New Millenium.

Online communication with the exchange of ideas and online resources is the intended purpose and mission of websites and Chat

Thank you,

Riverside, Ca. 92506

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Kola@Lakota.net or

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